I asked him to put his book to the "page 69 test," and here is what he reported:
The book tries to get at Shylock in his rawness, his unfathomable singularity, his opacity. The instance on page 69: a Venetian judge demands that Shylock explain why he will have no mercy on Antonio, the merchant whose pound of flesh is forfeit to him. With weird bravado, Shylock says he is like people made mad by the mere sight of cats, rats, and gaping pigs, or who “cannot contain their urine” when they hear a bagpipe’s squeal. His hatred of Antonio is like that, automatic, irrational. He makes himself seem repugnant to others -- very like those maddening animals -- but for a strange purpose:Many thanks to Ken for the input.
Listen to how Shylock describes the person who cannot bear the sound of a bagpipe. Such a man is one who “of force / Must yield to such inevitable shame, / As to offend, himself being offended.” This curiously inverts Lorenzo’s account in act 5 of music’s power to pacify or humanize wild animals. Shylock’s words suggest that the man he describes, unable to contain his urine at the bagpipe’s whine, is somehow content knowingly to piss himself in public in order to express his own offense at the offensive sound. This reads to me as Shylock’s half-voiced account of his own situation: to offend, himself being offended. Shylock thus implicitly acknowledges something of his own shame, humiliation, and terror in this scene, his willful abandonment of human dignity and answerability in the process of making his revenge “inevitable.”
Shylock’s rage has real sources (which he does not mention in court), but there’s also a grim, abject kind of clowning in his posture on stage -- something actors rarely dare to show. He risks looking an animal or idiot before the Christians, but in order to command the proceedings, to make the court his own theater, in which he acts a strange part. He makes himself the very irrational, malicious, demonic, and bestial Jew the Venetians say he is. Wresting their prejudicial images from their control, he turns these against them. Still, is not quite clear what this gets him:
Shylock’s argument, his posture of rage and resentment, can feel curiously vulnerable, both in what he gives voice to and in what he keeps silent about. It is hard to say if Shylock himself knows exactly what satisfaction he seeks in the courtroom, hard to know not simply what he thinks but what he is feeling. Does he know how this imaginary cut will answer his real losses? Does he know what he will cut at all? How does he imagine, and ask us to imagine, what it will be like to touch Antonio’s skin with his knife, that blade which he whets, as vicious Gratiano says truly enough, “not on thy sole, but on thy soul”? (What, after all, do we imagine is in Abraham’s mind as he prepares to drive his knife into his son’s throat? What terror, hope, or sense of witness?...)
There’s indeed something self-destructive in Shylock’s clowning. He hazards all, pushing to the limit theater’s powers of exposure and concealment, testing himself and those who listen.
The book’s larger argument is that Shylock’s rage at the Christians translates Shakespeare’s rage and resentment before his own audience, the audience whose emotions he so brilliantly manipulates, but to which he remains bound, a slave. He is dependent on those who know nothing of him. He wants their hearts out.
Read an excerpt from Shylock is Shakespeare.
Among the praise for the book:
“Shylock Is Shakespeare is a book whose risk-taking, even obsessive plunge into the living character of Shylock has succeeded in reinventing a mode of criticism long thought derelict and abandoned. Shakespeare’s power as a magician—a conjurer able to call forth and release spirits into the world—has rarely seemed as palpable or disturbing as it does in Kenneth Gross’s bold and original response.”Kenneth Gross is also the author of Spenserian Poetics: Idolatry, Iconoclasm, and Magic (1985), The Dream of the Moving Statue (1992), and Shakespeare’s Noise (2001).
--Stephen Greenblatt
“Most currently available books about Shylock keep the discussion of this Shakespearean character within the context of the play The Merchant of Venice and seek to illuminate how Shakespeare uses him within the dramatic unity of Merchant. Gross frees Shylock from the play and provides a wide-ranging, extended essay considering that character and his continuing existence in Western consciousness as revealed by his representation in post-Shakespearean performances, fiction, and criticism.”
--Library Journal
“Anyone interested in how one of the most talented Shakespeareans at work today confronts the question ‘What next?’ will want to read his Shylock Is Shakespeare, as innovative and reckless a critical study to appear in a very long time. Like Shakespeare revamping old plots, Gross takes something unfashionable—Victorian character criticism—and turns it into something entirely new: a deeply considered, often-dazzling exploration of Shylock’s ‘singularity.’ Gross shows us—grippingly and often profoundly—what Shylock has come to mean in our time.”
--James Shapiro, Bookforum
"[A] dazzling new book.... To drive home his central argument — that the key to understanding the character of Shylock from Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice” is to view him as the voice of the playwright himself — he, too, revives his subject, but not as mere listener. Gross’s resurrected Shakespeare struts to the center of the stage and speaks."
--Gabriel Sanders
“The mysteries surrounding Shylock naturally attract scholars. A couple of dozen modern books analyze his puzzling role in Shakespeare's imagination. The latest, Shylock Is Shakespeare … by Kenneth Gross of the University of Rochester, a virtuoso critic, identifies the moneylender with the playwright, making Shylock acharacter into whom the greatest of all writers poured his own ambivalence, anger and insecurity.”
--Robert Fulford, National Post
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--Marshal Zeringue