Her most recent book is Marriage, A History: From Obedience to Intimacy, or How Love Conquered Marriage (2005), which I asked her to put to the "page 69 test." She did, and this is what she reported:

Page 69 of my book, Marriage, A History: How Love Conquered Marriage, is the end of a chapter. Summing up the stories I have been telling about courtship and marriage in the distant past, I say: “For thousands of years…the economic functions of marriage were far more important to the middle and lower classes than were its personal satisfactions, while among the upper classes, the political functions of marriage took first place.”Many thanks to Stephanie for the input.
Contrary to popular belief, “traditional” marriage was not based on love. Marriage was the way people sealed political and military alliances, raised capital, sought social status, or expanded their family labor force. Very seldom in the past did young people have any choice over their mates, and when they did, they were more practical than romantic. Most of the great “love affairs” of history, such as Anthony and Cleopatra, were in fact ruthless, coldly calculating plays for wealth and power.
Only 200 years ago did we see the emergence of the radical idea of the love match – that young people should be allowed to choose their own mates, and encouraged to do so on the basis of love. Social conservatives of the day – defenders of the traditional marriage of calculation and convenience – were horrified. They predicted that chaos would reign if people made decisions on the basis of their hearts. How, they demanded, would society get the “right” people married to each other or prevent the “wrong” people from demanding a right to marry? They warned that if love became the basis for marriage, individuals would claim a right to not to marry at all, or to divorce when love died.
The radical implications of the love match were held in check for the next 100 years by the unreliability of birth control and the harsh penalties for illegitimacy, the rigid roles imposed on men and women by Victorian morality, and the legal and economic subordination of women. But in the last 30 years almost all the economic, political, and cultural factors that used to force people to enter and stay in marriage have been overturned.
The result is a paradox: When a marriage works well, it is fairer, more intimate, and more passionate than people of the past would ever have dared to dream, but when it doesn’t work well, it seems less bearable.
The final chapters explain how the transformation of marriage forces us to rethink all the “rules” that we once took for granted about who marries, who doesn’t marry, what makes for a successful marriage, and what things lead to divorce. For better and for worse, marriage will never be the same.
Click here to read an excerpt, browse the Table of Contents, and read reviews of Marriage, A History.
For recent op-eds--including "Too Close For Comfort" (New York Times, November 7, 2006)--and other articles by and about Stephanie Coontz, click here.
Stephanie has a book review titled "Having It All" in the current Washington Post Book World. It's about "two new books [which] sum up the opportunities that women now have to mix and match their personal and professional lives: Why Smart Men Marry Smart Women, by Christine B. Whelan, and Single by Chance, Mothers by Choice, by Rosanna Hertz." (Hertz's book is the subject of a forthcoming "page 69" item

Coontz's other books include The Way We Never Were: American Families and the Nostalgia Trap (1992, 2000), The Way We Really Are: Coming to Terms with America's Changing Families (1997), and The Social Origins of Private Life: A History of American Families. She also edited American Families: A Multicultural Reader (1999).
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--Marshal Zeringue