I asked Bella to put her book to the "page 69 test," and here is what she reported:
I’ve been single all my life and have sometimes had the experience of being excluded from weekend social events by my friends who were coupled. When I started to ask other single people about their experiences, I often heard variations of the same sort of story. Two of the more poignant ones are described on p. 69.Many thanks to Bella for the input.
Getting excluded just because you are single is only one example of what I call singlism. Single people are also stereotyped, stigmatized, and discriminated against in the workplace and the marketplace, in politics and in everyday life. (And don’t even get me started on the so-called “marriage penalty.”)
What is especially interesting about singlism is that the people who practice it often do so unselfconsciously. The quote from The Knot that begins on the bottom of p. 69 is an illustration of singles-bashing without apology. Elsewhere in Singled Out, I point to examples of singlism from publications such as The New Yorker and The Washington Post. I also show how even the most accomplished single people can still get The Singles Treatment.
Although I document many instances of singlism, I do not see single people as victims. Instead, Singled Out is a story of resilience. For years, I had been seeing headlines claiming that getting married makes people happier and healthier. I’m a social scientist, so I went back to the original reports in the professional journals to see what the studies really did show. I was amazed to find that so many of the claims I had been reading were grossly exaggerated or just plain wrong. I document that in Singled Out, too. Many single people really are living happily ever after.
How can singles be targets of discrimination and still live happily ever after? How serious is singlism, compared to other isms? How is it that singlism has slipped under the cultural radar at a time of such heightened sensitivity to so many other isms? Americans now spend more years of their adult lives unmarried than married, and for the first time in our nation’s history, households that include a married couple are in the minority; so why do we see so much matrimania all around us? Singled Out takes on all of these questions.
Here is all of p. 69:
but because feelings of closeness waned, as can happen among any friends, regardless of anyone’s status as single or coupled.
The exclusion of singles seems more suspect when it happens suddenly. Consider, for example, this story about Kim. She and her long-time partner had socialized with two other couples every weekend for years. When Kim and her partner broke up in mid-week, she called a woman from one of the other couples and had a long and tearful conversation. As Kim expected, her friend wanted to hear all of the details and conveyed lots of kindness and compassion. What Kim had not anticipated was her friend’s final words before the call ended: “I’m so sorry to hear all this. We were looking forward to seeing you this weekend.”
Kim’s so-called friend was not the least bit embarrassed to uninvite Kim once she was suddenly single. To her, it seemed self-evident that couples socialize with other couples, and so if you are no longer coupled, you are no longer welcome.
The assumption that couples are special and singles are second-class explains why couples can plan couples-only events or vacation trips right in front of their single friends, and think nothing of it. It also accounts for the rule that was once in place in a Canadian hiking club for seniors: If you become widowed, you need to leave the club by the end of the calendar year.
Were the friends of Sandy, Kim, and all the others just a bunch of ignoramuses? I doubt it. Maybe they read too many advice columns.
Suppose they went searching on the web for suggestions for maintaining their friendships with their single friends. On the MSN website, “The Knot,” Valerie and others like her could have found just what they were looking for -- a column titled, “Friends: Keeping Them After You Tie the Knot.” Here are some choice excerpts:
Now that you are married...married friends may joyfully add you to their roster of couples to dine and vacation with, while your union may remind single friends of their lack of success in the relationship department.
You may have trouble staying close to single friends after marriage. They may seem distant and jealous...Don’t take friends’ negative reactions personally; they’re likely feeling a bit deserted. If you want to maintain the friendship, call your hurt friend and ask him or her out for coffee or a drink.
Your friendship may die a natural death. Don’t feel guilty; this happens sometimes.
Read about some of the highlights from the book and a Q & A with the author.
Among the praise for Singled Out:
“With elegant analysis, wonderfully detailed examples, and clear and witty prose, DePaulo lays out the many, often subtle denigrations and discriminations faced by single adults in the U.S. She addresses, too, the resilience of single women and men in the face of such singlism. A must-read for all single adults, their friends and families, as well as social scientists and policy advocates.”The publisher says that "Singled Out debunks the Ten Myths of Singlehood," including:
-- E. Kay Trimberger, author of The New Single Woman
"It’s time for America to become acquainted with its new ‘unmarried majority.’ Singled Out debunks myths and stereotypes about single people and lays the groundwork for social, political, and economic change – change that is long overdue in government policies and business practices."
-- Thomas F. Coleman, Executive Director, Unmarried America
Myth #1: The Wonder of Couples: Marrieds know best.Bella and the book frequently appear in the media.
Myth #3: The Dark Aura of Singlehood: You are miserable and lonely and your life is tragic.
Myth #5: Attention, Single Women: Your work won’t love you back and your eggs will dry up. Also, you don’t get any and you’re promiscuous.
Myth #6: Attention, Single Men: You are horny, slovenly, and irresponsible, and you are the scary criminals. Or you are sexy, fastidious, frivolous, and gay.
Myth #7: Attention, Single Parents: Your kids are doomed.
Myth #9: Poor Soul: You will grow old alone and you will die in a room by yourself where no one will find you for weeks.
Myth #10: Family Values: Let’s give all of the perks, benefits, gifts, and cash to couples and call it family values.
Read Bella's contributions to The Huffington Post and visit her website.
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--Marshal Zeringue