One lawyer on the list:
GuillauminRead about another lawyer on the list.
Lawyers are predators in Madame Bovary. When Emma Bovary's debts catch up with her, she approaches the lawyer, Guillaumin, who appears to sympathise with her plight. His motives are naturally nastier than she first supposes. He agrees to advance the cash to her if she will grant him, in return, her sexual favours.
Madame Bovary is on Valerie Martin's list of six novels about doomed marriages and Louis Begley's list of favorite novels about cheating lovers. It tops Peter Carey's list of the top ten works of literature and was second on a top ten works of literature list selected by leading writers from Britain, America and Australia in 2007.
See Mullan's list of ten of the best lawyers in literature.
--Marshal Zeringue