Breakneck, starring Meryl Streep as Detective Kitt Lundgren and Sandra Bullock as Detective M.C. Riggio- partners on the hunt for a killer more heartless and elusive than any monster they have faced before.Read an excerpt from Breakneck, and learn more about the book and author at Erica Spindler's website and blog.
Portraying strong women with delicate balance and humanity, these actors’ toughness and vulnerability are equally believable. While I’m writing, I do form pictures of the characters in my mind, but those images are also of my own creation, blank identities that are shaped as the story develops. These two are nearly exact profiles of what I pictured.
MC is strapped with plenty of the emotional drama in Breakneck, and Sandra Bullock is brilliant for the role. Her strength is palpable, yet hints at a raw nerve just below the surface. MC’s partner, Kitt, has earned her wisdom through mistakes, her tenacity by losing everything and building it back again with sheer will. With her soft yet formidable presence, Meryl Streep is a great match.
As the body count rises, one kill hits MC close to home. Her young cousin Sam...[read on]
My Book, The Movie: Breakneck.
--Marshal Zeringue