The entry begins:
I live in Los Angeles and I’m married to a screenwriter, so I think about these things a lot. With adult-oriented manuscripts it’s pretty easy to come up with the faces that’ll go well with your names, but YA means finding kids and that means either watching a lot of children’s television or scouring IMDB by birth year.Visit Constantine J. Singer's website.
Fortunately, I have a teenage daughter and I happen to love YA television so I didn’t have much trouble doing this.
My main character was a bit of a puzzle for me when it came to casting because there just weren’t that many Latinx actors in Hollywood yet while I was writing Strange Days. Outside of Jane the Virgin and East Los, there wasn’t much to pick from, but then came On My Block, which is a fantastic Netflix series you should watch. Alex Mata would be played perfectly by Jason Genao. He has the right combination of vulnerability, arrogance, and people-pleasing fear that Alex needs to have.
I would cast Alex’s best friend, Julio Santos, from the same show. Diego Tinoco would be ideal for the role.
Corina Hollifield was a little harder for me, but I finally settled on...[read on]
The Page 69 Test: Strange Days.
My Book, The Movie: Strange Days.
--Marshal Zeringue