The Lights of Prague is her first published novel.
At Tor.com Jarvis tagged "five brilliant historical fantasy novels exploring a range of locales—all with their own dose of magic." One title on the list:
Crossings by Alex LandraginRead about another entry on the list.
Alex Landragin’s debut is a journey from start to end—wherever that end might be for you. There are three parts, along with an intriguing frame story, and two ways to read—straight through, or following guidelines that send you jumping around thedifferent parts. Through the different stories we are introduced to a strange ability called crossing which allows certain people to swap bodies with another after sustained eye contact. The mystery of this power—where it comes from, how it works, and the murders that seem to follow in its wake—are woven through a variety of historical moments and places, including 1940s France and Spain, antebellum Louisiana, and the fictional Pacific island Oaeetee.
The Page 69 Test: Crossings.
Q&A with Alex Landragin.
My Book, The Movie: Crossings.
--Marshal Zeringue