His entry begins:
I’ve just finished Jack Miles’s God: A Biography. Miles, a former Jesuit, attempts to analyze God as a purely literary character, and of course the protagonist of the Old Testament. I’ll confess I’d thought I knew the Old Testament pretty well, but some aspects of the book are, to put it mildly, unsettling. We get a portrait of a Being with absolute power who is unpredictable, and may not always be sure what He’s doing.About Firebird, from the publisher:
Another thoroughly enjoyable book was Steven Weinberg’s Dreams of a Final Theory. Weinberg may be the only physicist who...[read on]
Learn more about the book and author at Jack McDevitt's website.Forty-one years ago the renowned physicist Chris Robin vanished. Before his disappearance, his fringe science theories about the existence of endless alternate universes had earned him both admirers and enemies.
Alex Benedict and Chase Kolpath discover that Robin had several interstellar yachts flown far outside the planetary system where they too vanished. And following Robin's trail into the unknown puts Benedict and Kolpath in danger...
Writers Read: Jack McDevitt (February 2009).
The Page 69 Test: Firebird.
Writers Read: Jack McDevitt.
--Marshal Zeringue