The entry begins:
Because We Love to Entertain was inspired by the already fictional world of HGTV property rehab, that medium was lurking in the background as I wrote about a privileged, white, well-educated couple legally “stealing” a prime piece of real estate - a Vermont mountaintop retreat - for which they pay the consequences when the former owner exacts his revenge.Visit Sarah Strohmeyer's website.
Or does he?
Anyway, I love Southerner Parker Posey, so she would be by prime choice to play Hayley aka Holly Barron, a Florida girl who’s remade herself into the glamorous co-owner of this estate, along with her new husband, Robert Barron, aka The Robber Barron, who fancies himself the genius of snatching real-estate bargains. There’s a guy who lives near me on whom I modeled this character due to his appearance and behavior. That said, the closest actor would be Joe Manganiello. I realize Parker’s nearly ten years older than Joe, but let’s go with it.
Erika, their aspiring assistant who just…wants…to…get….out…of…this…goddamn hick town, has to be...[read on]
The Page 69 Test: This Is My Brain on Boys.
Writers Read: Sarah Strohmeyer (May 2016).
My Book, The Movie: This Is My Brain on Boys.
My Book, The Movie: We Love to Entertain.
--Marshal Zeringue