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One of Those Faces is a psychological thriller that follows a young freelance artist in Chicago who discovers that a recent murder victim bears a striking resemblance to her.Visit Elle Grawl's website.
While I was writing, I visualized the story playing out like a movie but I didn’t really think about which actors lined up with my mental images until after I finished the manuscript.
Harper: Harper is the troubled freelance artist at the heart of my novel.
Shortly after finishing my manuscript, I stumbled upon the movie Earthquake Bird. In this film, Alicia Vikander struck me as a great candidate to play Harper, the lead in my novel. Vikander really portrays a complex, insecure character that’s navigating interpersonal conflict while also dealing with her past traumas. I also think Nell Free from The Servant would be a great fit for the same reason. Both actresses portray their characters with this quiet intensity that comes across as very vulnerable due to their warped sense of identity and background. Visually, they also have similar features to Harper.
Iann: Iann is the attractive stranger that enters Harper’s life in the beginning of the novel. He’s...[read on]
Coffee with a Canine: Elle Grawl & Olive and Truffle.
My Book, The Movie: One of Those Faces.
--Marshal Zeringue