At Tor.com she tagged five essential books about plagues and pandemics, including:
The Stand by Stephen KingRead about another entry on the list.
Other epic plague stories have been written; by now Stephen King’s bibliography must be nearly as long as one of his novels. Yet I don’t think any fictional plague has ever horrified and fascinated more people than CaptainTrips, and at least for me, The Stand may be King’s single greatest work.
In the first scene, a young guard violates quarantine protocol to escape from a military facility with his family. He thinks he can outrun the deadly biological weapon that’s been accidentally unleashed—but instead sets into motion a chain of infections that claims approximately 97% of the world’s population. King’s vision for the devolution of society—from fear to barbarity to silence—is as chilling as it is convincing. As for his descriptions of Captain Trips, aka Tubeneck … I have yet to meet one person who’s read The Stand who didn’t spend the first quarter of the book convinced they were catching a cold.
The Stand is among Michelle Tea's top ten books about the apocalypse.
--Marshal Zeringue