Friday, July 05, 2013

Seven top classic children's books

Philip Womack is the author of two critically acclaimed novels for children, The Other Book and The Liberators.

One of his favorite classic children's books, as told to the Telegraph:
Roger Lancelyn Green’s King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table, which kept me occupied on a long flight to America when I was nine – those stories haunted my imagination, along with another Arthurian interpretation, a strange, battered hardback with no discernible author, which started by telling how Merlin was born of a bad fairy.

To my child mind it was the account written by Merlin himself.
Read about another book Womack tagged.

Sir Gawain in Roger Lancelyn Green's King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table is one of Julia Golding's top ten characters from children's historical fiction.

--Marshal Zeringue