Monday, December 14, 2020

Twelve underrated pandemic books

Michael J. Seidlinger is a Filipino American author of My Pet Serial Killer, Dreams of Being, The Fun We’ve Had, and nine other books.

At The Lineup he tagged twelve underrated dark and extraordinary pandemic books, including:
The Companions by Katie M. Flynn

After an extremely contagious virus scares the American population into quarantine, not unlike the present situation with COVID-19, people are forced to get used to secluded, technology-centered lives. A random assortment of wealthy participants take part in a so-called “companionship” program in which they can upload their consciousness before death, effectively enabling them to stay alive indefinitely. If you’re not rich enough, your consciousness becomes a commodity, capable of being rented or sold to other people.

Flynn has taken the fear of physical contact to the next level, imagining a world where the only way to live is to do so via the confines of a technological vessel.
Read about another entry on the list.

The Page 69 Test: The Companions.

--Marshal Zeringue