Saturday, December 19, 2020

Q&A with C.S. Friedman

From my Q&A with C.S. Friedman, author of This Virtual Night:
photo credit: Bianca Moody
How much work does your title do to take readers into the story?

The title’s primary purpose is to draw the interest of the reader—in brick-and-mortar terms, to get him to pick up the book and look at it. It needs to be appealing to the type of reader you are writing for, perhaps reflecting a particular genre.

Since this book is a followup to something I wrote 20 years ago, we wanted the title to suggest a connection, so we use the same form. “This (Adjective) (Noun).’ That also allowed us to use similar cover designs, as the title was easy to arrange in the same configuration. The story revolves around virtual technology turned against its creators, so Virtual Night provided the subject and...[read on]
Visit C.S. Friedman's website.

The Page 69 Test: This Virtual Night.

Q&A with C.S. Friedman.

--Marshal Zeringue