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The main protagonist in Knife Skills is Sagarine Pfister, a chef who finds herself at the beginning of the book in a restaurant walk-in freezer, looking at the body of her dead boss, head chef Louis Ferrar. Sagarine is a driven, exceedingly talented woman in her late twenties who’s underemployed because of her family. I imagine her being played in a movie by Rose Leslie, although she’d have to drop her beautiful accent as Sagarine is from Chicago. Another actress who could play her would be Jennifer Lawrence. I know I named JL as being cast as the lead in my previous book with a completely different protagonist, but she’s so skilled at changing her look. Both of these women have a little bit of...[read on]Visit Wendy Church's website.
The Page 69 Test: Murder on the Spanish Seas.
Q&A with Wendy Church.
My Book, The Movie: Murder on the Spanish Seas.
The Page 69 Test: Murder Beyond the Pale.
Writers Read: Wendy Church.
The Page 69 Test: Knife Skills.
My Book, The Movie: Knife Skills.
--Marshal Zeringue