Thursday, September 12, 2024

Nine books about women leaning into darkness to find power

Dawn Kurtagich is the award-winning author of The Dead House, And the Trees Crept In, Teeth in the Mist, and Blood on the Wind. She leaves her North Wales crypt after midnight during blood moons. The rest of the time she exists somewhere between mushrooms, maggots and mould. She is enjoying life with her new liver, Lucy, her husband, two black cats, and those moldy forest mushrooms.

Kurtagich's debut adult novel is The Madness.

At Electric Lit she tagged nine "favourite novels that feature unhinged women," including:
Cursed Bunny by Bora Chung

Let’s begin with a book of short stories to get our juices flowing, shall we? I loved some of these stories far more than others, but the ones I loved, I loved. I am an avid Weird Fiction girlie, and proudly so. The first two stories in this collection alone are worth the book—“Head” and “The Embodiment”—and both fall into my definition of Unhinged Women. In the first story, a woman finds a disembodied head in her toilet one morning, and continually attempts to flush it away. It is a nauseating examination of the disintegration of her identity after being talked into ignoring the problem by the family around her. “The Embodiment” follows a woman who becomes mysteriously pregnant after being prescribed birth control tablets to control her heavy period. It examines patriarchal power structures in a society that dictates the value of a woman through the lens of marriage and motherhood, and is delightfully gross. For short, sharp shocks, give this one a go.
Read about another entry on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue