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A Change of Place continues from two previous books in my Night’s Edge fantasy series. The characters are the same, though more arrive, the focal setting—Marrowdell—is always present, but in each book, we visit dramatically different places and problems. It’s, well, big.Visit Julie E. Czerneda's website.
Making it not so much a movie prospect and very much an epic series.
Just typing that makes me tremble, a little. Wouldn’t that be something?
Oh I didn’t always think that way. When I first thought of Marrowdell, my dragon, my characters and the entire scope and tone of the story it was in response to what I wasn’t finding. I wanted fantasy where the magic was wondrous and wild. With families that were whole and loving and coped together with their troubles. Characters who weren’t victims but happy or hoping to be, engaged with their surroundings and each other. There’s a mill. Farms. Dancing.
A story that feels like warm cocoa and a blanket on a chilly day, with gleeful ahas!
In other words, no grim. No gore. Okay, maybe a touch of gore and smidge of risk, but countered by a great deal more pie and joy and laughter.
As there wasn’t anything like this in movie or series form—and so much the opposite ::coughs Game of Thrones ::coughs:: as I wrote I...[read on]
The Page 69 Test: To Guard Against the Dark.
The Page 69 Test: The Gossamer Mage.
The Page 69 Test: Mirage.
Q&A with Julie E. Czerneda.
The Page 69 Test: To Each This World.
My Book, The Movie: To Each This World.
My Book, The Movie: A Change of Place.
--Marshal Zeringue