At Lit Hub Sullivan tagged ten favorite novels with heroines who are hot messes, including:
Sorrow and Bliss by Meg MasonRead about another entry on the list.
“When she was seventeen, a little bomb went off in her brain.” Martha Friel has struggled with undiagnosed mental illness most of her life but no doctor, drug or therapy has been able to fix her. This book is dark and funny and sharp as a razor’s edge. I couldn’t put it down—or stop rooting for Martha.
Sorrow and Bliss is among Claire Alexander's five books to read when you’re lonely, Jane Shemilt's five books tracing the portrayal of mental disorders in literature, and Alyssa Vaughn's [February 2021] 42 books to help you get through the rest of quarantine.
The Page 69 Test: Sorrow and Bliss.
--Marshal Zeringue