[The Page 69 Test: The Taker; My Book, The Movie: The Hunger; The Page 69 Test: The Hunger; The Page 69 Test: The Deep; The Page 69 Test: Red Widow; Q&A with Alma Katsu; The Page 69 Test: The Fervor; My Book, The Movie: Red London; The Page 69 Test: Red London]
At CrimeReads Katsu tagged five books that help us understand the impact of the Russian oligarchs on Great Britain, including:
Rich Russians: From Oligarchs to Bourgeoisie, Elisabeth SchimpfösslRead about another entry on the list.
Being a former CIA analyst and researcher at a think tank, I gravitated toward this scholarly book by a university lecturer in sociology and policy. Schimpfossl conducted over 80 interviews with members of this socioeconomic class to give a detailed look at not only their circumstances but also the mindset and personal philosophies that enabled them to succeed. Rich Russians provided all the nuance I needed to create a believable and credible oligarch character, the banking tycoon and morally compromised Mikhail Rotenberg.
--Marshal Zeringue