Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Q&A with David Pepper

From my Q&A with David Pepper, author of The Voter File:
How much work does your title do to take readers into the story?

My hope is that the title The Voter File walks the reader right into the story. To political watchers or insiders who understand what “the voter file” is, they’ll instantly surmise that something is happening at the very heart of a political campaign, or campaigns. And that the stakes are high. And their assumption will quickly be proven right.

To those who haven’t heard of the term, my hope is that in this age of technology, where data is king—so valuable, and so in need of security—the notion of a large “file" or database of voters instantly strikes the reader as both intriguing and unsettling. Enough to...[read on]
Visit David Pepper's website.

Q&A with David Pepper.

--Marshal Zeringue