Saturday, June 20, 2020

Ten top books set in museums

Preety Sidhu, an intern at Electric Literature, tagged ten books about real and fictional museum collections, including:
The Octopus Museum by Brenda Shaughnessy

[This] museum is fictional, though at the rate 2020 is going, is it so outlandish to imagine that the earth might soon be ruled by semi-benevolent octopus overlords with museums dedicated to the study of humanity? Could it hurt to start preparing, just in case? Shaughnessy’s poetry collection takes place in a world of ever-unfolding climate apocalypse caused by humans, with Octopodes reigning over us all. The table of contents is framed as a Visitor’s Guide to the Octopus Museum’s five exhibits about humans: The Gallery of a Dreaming Species; Special Collection: “As They Were”; “To Serve Man”: Rituals of the Late Anthropocene Colony; Found Objects / Lost Subjects: A Retrospective; and Permanent Collection: Archive of Pre-Existing Conditions.
Read about another entry on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue