Since Democracy in Exile was published, I’ve been thinking about what a filmed version of it would look like. After giving it some consideration, I’ve decided that, if my book were produced for the silver screen, I would prefer if each half were filmed in a different style. The book traces the career trajectory of Hans Speier, a German exile from National Socialism who in the United States became the founding chief of the RAND Corporation’s Social Science Division. The first part of Speier’s life covered in the book was characterized by movement: from Berlin to New York City; from New York to Washington, D.C.; and from Washington to Germany, and back again. The second half, in contrast, was defined by stability. A filmed version of Democracy in Exile would, I believe, have to...[read on]Visit Daniel Bessner's website.
The Page 99 Test: Democracy in Exile.
My Book, The Movie: Democracy in Exile.
--Marshal Zeringue