From Darkest Skies was optioned by a London-based production company almost two years ago with a view to making it as a TV series. Now it’s true that this happens to a lot more books than actually make it all the way to the screen. I don’t know what the hit rate is – probably less than ten percent – and even for those that make it, the time between being optioned and hitting the screen can be many, many years (fifteen, I think, for Altered Carbon, which undoubtedly shares some DNA with From Darkest Skies). The point being for both authors and readers: don’t hold your breath! But the point also being that in this case, I’ve given quite a lot of thought to who I think would be great to play each of the major characters.Visit Sam Peters's website.
From Darkest Skies is a futuristic thriller centred around intelligence agent Keon Rause, native of a colony world whose original settlers were predominantly Pacific Islanders so I’d really like Keon to be played by someone who looks like they have some of that DNA in them. A strong noir element permeates the atmosphere, too. World-weary and grieving, I’m going for Matrix-era Keanu Reeves for this.
Although notionally trying to unravel the death of a minor celebrity from an apparent drug overdose, Keon’s real goal is to discover the truth about the death, five years ago, of his wife Alysha. To help him with this, Keon has recreated his wife as a simulation embedded in Artificial Intelligence, whom he calls Liss, and this is where the heart of the story lies, in the complex and difficult relationship between Keon and Liss as they discover both separately and together that Alysha wasn’t quite...[read on]
The Page 69 Test: From Darkest Skies.
My Book, The Movie: From Darkest Skies.
--Marshal Zeringue