If Night of the Animals were made into a film, I don’t think anyone could more relish seeing how the casting unfolded than I. It’s something I’ve thought about way too much, actually. I would be oohing and aahing at every little scrap of a development. I’d probably coronary-out before the movie were finished, such would be my exhilaration.Visit Bill Broun's website.
Michael Caine is someone I’ve often fantasized about in protagonist Cuthbert’s role. He’s a little short, at only six foot, and at age eighty-three, a tad young, but if he could be coaxed from retirement, he would be my first choice all day long.
No question that, for me, a close second would be English comic genius, Stephen...[read on]
Night of the Animals is among five top books that find beauty in the apocalypse.
My Book, The Movie: Night of the Animals.
--Marshal Zeringue