As the mother of a three-year-old staunchly entrenched in the tyrannical threes, I spend the majority of my reading time reading Indy’s books to him. I have spent many hours reading One Little Blueberry, by Tammi Salzano because Indy loves counting. We have spent another chunk of time reading all the books by Mo Willems that we can find in the “Pigeon” series like, Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog!, or Don’t let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!, or The Pigeon Needs a Bath! But, my favorite of all of Indy’s books has to be...[read on]About Please Don't Bite the Baby, from the publisher:
Please Don't Bite the Baby (and Please Don't Chase the Dogs), chronicles certified professional dog trainer Lisa Edwards’ endearing and entertainingVisit Lisa J. Edwards's website.journey to ensure that her household survives and thrives when she introduces her son to her motley pack of animals. As Lisa knows all too well, the dog/child relationship is simultaneously treasured, misunderstood, and sometimes feared. In a twist, Lisa's dog training techniques inevitably seep into how she navigates her first year with baby to mixed but enlightening results.
Lisa includes her best training techniques for the everyday pet owner itemized at the end of each chapter. This book is important for parents, grandparents, and caregivers who have dogs and young children together and want to ensure safety for all.
Coffee with a Canine: Lisa Edwards & Boo, Porthos, and Pinball.
Writers Read: Lisa Edwards.
--Marshal Zeringue