For the Guardian, she named a ten best list of stories about sisters.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane AustenRead about another title on the list.
I read many of the classics as a teenager, but this is one of the few I have returned to over the years. Five sparky sisters, but in another world – a world where manners, society and social standing dictate everything. Not just romantic but wonderfully real and believable, even now.
Pride and Prejudice also appears on Paul Murray's top ten list of wicked clerics, John Mullan's list of ten great novels with terrible original titles, Luke Leitch's top ten list of the most successful literary sequels ever, and is one of the top ten works of literature according to Norman Mailer. Richard Price has never read it, but it is the book Mary Gordon cares most about sharing with her children.
The Page 99 Test: Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.
--Marshal Zeringue