The Forever War by Dexter FilkinsRead about another book on the list.
What Michael Herr’s Dispatches did for Vietnam, veteran correspondent Dexter Filkins’ The Forever War has now done for Iraq. He spent more than a decade reporting from the wars in the Middle East. He witnessed a public execution at a soccer stadium in Kabul, stumbled through the rubble of the World Trade Center on September 11, followed Marines in their brutal battle in Fallujah. "The Forever War lacks a coherent narrative or an abiding argument,” Toby Clements writes for the Telegraph, “but this becomes an illuminating virtue: from the ground, there is no coherence.” The New York Times raved, “Though Filkins does not rejoice in paradoxes, he never seems to miss one either, and the result is a haunting spiritual witness that will make this volume a part of this awful war’s history.”
--Marshal Zeringue