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One of the most enjoyable questions an author can be asked is: who do you see cast in your book, the movie. Imagining your characters on the big screen is every author's dream and casting it before Hollywood comes calling is a common preoccupation.Learn more about the book and author at Anita Hughes's website.
Casting Island in the Sea: A Majorca Love Story is easy, because I cast one of the main characters, Lionel, in my head, before I wrote his first dialogue. Pierce Brosnan is witty, handsome, British, and can play disgruntled and slightly depressed while remaining incredibly charming.
Juliet is also quite easy to cast. There are so many strong, beautiful twenty-something actresses in Hollywood. I could see Emma Stone or Lily Collins or even...[read on]
My Book, The Movie: Market Street.
My Book, The Movie: Lake Como.
My Book, The Movie: French Coast.
My Book, The Movie: Island in the Sea.
--Marshal Zeringue