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High Holiday Porn is set within the New York City Jewish Modern Orthodox community in the late 1980s and 90s. It’s an insular world with religious rules and rituals, but also connected to secularism through education, culture and proximity to the metropolitan area. I grew up in a religious household, studied at a religious school and attended synagogue weekly, yet I was fascinated by the outside world and all it had to offer, particularly relating to sex. For this reason, I think it’s important that the film version of High Holiday Porn be placed in the hands of a director (or directors) who’s comfortable with subtly unique settings and time periods. Joel and Ethan Coen, specifically, would be ideal choices. All their films take place in slightly unfamiliar times and places (1930s Art Deco New York in Hudsucker Proxy, 1970s New York folk scene in Inside Llewyn Davis) and I think the Coens would handle the particularities of Modern Orthodox New York - caught between tradition and the modern world - with the same careful and considerate detail. In addition, in their depiction of suburban Conservative Judaism in A Serious Man, they incorporated the role and influence of community over its members— a theme that constantly comes up in High Holiday Porn— and I think it would be...[read on]Visit Eytan Bayme's website.
My Book, The Movie: High Holiday Porn.
--Marshal Zeringue