Her entry begins:
I read a lot of YA horror and dark fantasy that I am asked to blurb. I’m always delighted when one is truly excellent, like the one I just finished: A Place for Vanishing by Ann Fraistat, a YA haunted house story that truly surprised me. It’s filled with masks and bugs and seances, which aren’t things I would have ever thought to put together. I loved the immersive, atmospheric setting and how vividly I could picture everything. Fraistat is particularly good at pacing, setting, and family relationships, especially between siblings. It made for a great spooky season read!About All That Consumes Us, from the publisher:
Right now I’m reading...[read on]
Magni animi numquam moriuntur. Great minds never die.Visit Erica Waters's website.
The students in Corbin College’s elite academic society, Magni Viri, have it all—free tuition, inspirational professors, and dream jobs once they graduate.When first-gen college student Tara is offered a chance to enroll, she doesn’t hesitate.
Except once she’s settled into the gorgeous Victorian dormitory, something strange starts to happen. She’s finally writing, but her stories are dark and twisted. Her dreams feel as if they could bury her alive. An unseen presence seems to stalk her through the halls.
And a chilling secret awaits Tara at the heart of Magni Viri—one that just might turn her nightmares into reality; one that might destroy her before she has a chance to escape.
All That Consumes Us will pull readers into a hypnotizing, dark reverie that blurs the lines of reality and shows that the addictive nature of ambition—and its inevitable price—always claims its due.
Q&A with Erica Waters.
Writers Reads: Erica Waters.
--Marshal Zeringue