His new novel is The Great Gimmelmans.
At CrimeReads Goldberg tagged six favorite Jewish crime thrillers, including:
Josh Weiss, Beat the DevilsRead about another entry on the list.
Beat the Devils by Josh Weiss is another alternate history novel, imagining Joseph McCarthy becoming president, elected by xenophobia and barely-concealed antisemitism. Holocaust survivor Morris Baker is tasked to solve a double-homicide of a young John Huston and Walter Cronkite before they were able to reach their full potential. Baker sets out to achieve justice in an era where free speech is a sin and uncovers a deep conspiracy. A frightening tale with an anti-hero to root for that reads as a classic noir, setting up a sequel Sunset Empire that follows Morris Baker during the Korean War.
My Book, The Movie: Beat the Devils.
The Page 69 Test: Beat the Devils.
--Marshal Zeringue