How much work does your title do to take readers into the story?Learn more about the book and author at Erica Bauermeister's website.
A lot, I hope. No Two Persons comes from the saying “no two persons ever read the same book.” It’s a concept I’ve thought a lot about over my years of teaching and writing books, and meeting with book clubs. We may all read the same words, but we never see the same story. I wanted to write a book that would explore the effect of one fictional book on its writer and nine very different readers, each character with their own story and chapter. I knew it was a complicated concept with an unusual structure, and it would be useful if the title could help set expectations. It didn’t hurt that I liked the sound of No Two Persons.
What's in a name?
My characters usually arrive in my imagination with...[read on]
The Page 69 Test: The School of Essential Ingredients.
The Page 69 Test: The Lost Art of Mixing.
Writers Read: Erica Bauermeister (May 2019).
The Page 69 Test: The Scent Keeper.
The Page 69 Test: No Two Persons.
Q&A with Erica Bauermeister.
--Marshal Zeringue