The entry begins:
I never have a model or actor in mind for a character as I am writing. The characters reveal themselves to me as fully evolved, entirely unique individuals, not based on any specific person. It is not simply a matter of looks that captures a character. The strength of the actor, the range of emotions they are able to portray, the actors’ presence on the screen balancing the parallel of the character on the page… I gave the subject of starring roles for Hiding Place some consideration before I came up with my answer.Visit Meghan Holloway's website, and follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
I wrote Hector more in the vein of an antihero than a hero. He lived a hard life from the time he was a boy, and he is a cold, driven man. The only gentling influences in his life are Frank, his dog, and Maggie, his wife’s closest friend. He is obsessed with uncovering the truth of what happened to his wife and daughter fifteen years ago. The man he believed responsible for their disappearance is dead, and the trail has once again grown cold. Until he finds a long-hidden message from the past. Although he is a bit younger than the character, I think Josh Brolin could pull off the...[read on]
My Book, The Movie: Once More Unto the Breach.
The Page 69 Test: Once More Unto the Breach.
Writers Read: Meghan Holloway (May 2019).
Q&A with Meghan Holloway.
The Page 69 Test: Hunting Ground.
My Book, The Movie: Hunting Ground.
The Page 69 Test: Hiding Place.
My Book, The Movie: Hiding Place.
--Marshal Zeringue