At CrimeReads Katsu tagged five of the best spy novels, written by spies, including:
John le Carré, The Night ManagerRead about another entry on the list.
The genre lost a giant when le Carré passed away on December 12, 2020. A life in intelligence is tricky; you’re oftenasked to do things that leave a bad taste in your mouth, and no one was able to capture the spy’s internal moral struggle better. His Cold War books are probably the best at capturing the spy-vs-spy gamesmanship of the time, but he answered the critics who said he was a one-trick pony by writing standalone novels like The Night Manager that dealt with intrigues in other parts of the world and emerging transnational issues. To top it off, he was a superb writer. The best make it look easy, and he tempted many an intelligence professional into thinking they’d write a book after they’d retired, only to find out it’s much, much harder than it appears.
--Marshal Zeringue