She has also published two short story collections, five collections of poetry, and the self-help books, How to Hold a Grudge: From Resentment to Contentment-The Power of Grudges to Transform Your Life and Happiness: A Mystery: And 66 Attempts to Solve it.
At the Guardian, Hannah tagged a few books to see in 2021, including:
For anyone keen to turn over a new leaf in their reading life, I have some recommendations. I would urge every sentient being to read all six of Agatha Christie’s gripping Mary WestmacottRead about another book Hannah recommends.novels: Giant’s Bread, Unfinished Portrait, Absent in the Spring, The Rose and the Yew Tree, A Daughter’s a Daughter and The Burden. Each of these is, in its own way, concerned with a new beginning, for good or ill – and sometimes very ill indeed. They are often described as romantic novels. In fact, they are fascinating explorations of interpersonal relationships and the human condition. Discovering them has enabled me to experience a new form of Christie fanhood. I had not read these books until very recently because I assumed they couldn’t possibly be as brilliant as her crime novels; I was wrong.
--Marshal Zeringue