All the Birds in the Sky, by Charlie Jane AndersRead about another entry on the list.
Charlie Jane Anders’ science fantasy debut could fit on any number of lists—it’s one of those rare books that’s a lot of different things all at once. It tells the story of Patricia Delfine and Laurence Armstead, childhood friends who discover early on that they’re extremely talented—Patricia in magic, Laurence in science. Separated for years, they pursue their respective disciplines and are in turn recruited into twin efforts to save an Earth slowly being torn apart by climate change and other forces. When they find each other again, it’s not certain whether they’re destined to save the world, or destroy it. The divide between science and magic is a recurring theme, and adds a wonderful sense of tension to a novel bursting with ideas.
All The Birds in The Sky is among Nancy Kress's five best books with ambitious birds and Laura Lam's five top books about futuristic California.
My Book, The Movie: All the Birds in the Sky.
--Marshal Zeringue