After writing five books in my Daniel Rinaldi series, I have a pretty good feel for the continuing characters who populate my “mean streets” of Pittsburgh.Learn more about the book and author at Dennis Palumbo's website.
My lead character, Dr. Daniel Rinaldi, is an Italian-American psychologist who---like his author---was born and raised in the Steel City. He’s passionate about his work treating crime victims, is stubborn and opinionated, and has a snarky sense of humor. He’s also a former amateur boxer (Golden Gloves, Pan Am Games), so casting him for a film isn’t easy. I could see any one of Hollywood’s “usual suspects” like Christian Bale, Oscar Isaac or Michael Fassbender, though I really like...[read on]
My Book, The Movie: Night Terrors.
The Page 69 Test: Phantom Limb.
My Book, The Movie: Phantom Limb.
The Page 69 Test: Head Wounds.
My Book, The Movie: Head Wounds.
--Marshal Zeringue