Saturday, June 07, 2014

Jenny Milchman's "Ruin Falls," the movie

Featured at My Book, The Movie: Ruin Falls by Jenny Milchman.

The entry begins:
Here’s the log line for Ruin Falls, the movie:

The hardest part isn’t losing everything you love. It’s getting it back.

This novel centers around Liz Daniels, a woman who at the beginning isn’t very strong. She lets herself be led by her husband…but she’s not going to have her husband around for very long. As soon as she doesn’t, she must become strong on her own. Call it a twist on girl meets boy.

Girl loses boy. Girl must find herself.

Since this movie would be basically carried by Liz, the role will require a very strong female lead. Charlize Theron, perhaps. Or maybe...[read on]
Learn more about the book and author at Jenny Milchman's website.

My Book, The Movie: Cover of Snow.

The Page 69 Test: Cover of Snow.

Writers Read: Jenny Milchman.

The Page 69 Test: Ruin Falls.

My Book, The Movie: Ruin Falls.

--Marshal Zeringue