Australian author Justine Larbalestier came to my attention a few months ago with her blog. She was witty, insightful and very smart so I picked up her YA fantasy How to Ditch Your Fairy. It didn’t disappoint! It’s a terrific book full of vivid characters of all genders and ethnicities and a crisply defined fantasy world. The theme – be careful what you wish for – is perennial, but Larbalestier lifts it out of the ordinary with...[read on]In addition to The Opposite of Life, Narrelle M. Harris is the author of three other novels, and wrote an essay for the recently released true crime book Outside the Law 3.
Among the praise for The Opposite of Life:
"It’s certainly a most unusual vampire novel. Lissa Wilson, librarian, geek, and young woman about town,... seems to be the magnet for trouble. ... She’s a wonderful character; not because she’s an heroicVisit Narrelle M. Harris' website.supergirl, but because she rings true. If you can get this book, do."
--Charlaine Harris, author of the Sookie Stackhouse books
"...an absolute humdinger of a first novel."
--Prudence Russell, Aurealis
"There's plenty of blood and gore in Harris' book, plenty of violence as well, but you don't get dragged into the depths of despair for long. There's lots of humour in the mix as well for counterbalance. Lissa's humour is very dry and dead-pan (pardon the pun) while The Guy in the Hawaiian shirt is her perfect foil."
--Edwina Harvey
Writers Read: Narrelle Harris.
--Marshal Zeringue