Well, a while back -- about 12 years ago now -- I was working on a book and the heroine needed a dog. Since said heroine, like Little Moi is what Elizabeth Peters call a "historical necrophiliac" (see her novel The Murders of Richard III -- a lot of fun, and not what it sounds like from the title, so all you people in the Richard III Society can just not write me nasty e-mails, okay?) -- where was I? Oh, yes -- so the heroine got a Cavalier, because Charles II is my favorite English king, and he had dozens of the little spaniels. And I fell in love with the breed, and ... well, here I am with five of them. I always say it's a good thing I didn't give that character...[read on]India Edghill lives in the Mid-Hudson Valley in New York.

Read an excerpt from Delilah, and learn more about the author and her books at India Edghill's website.
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The Page 69 Test: Delilah.
Read--Coffee with a canine: India Edghill and her Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.
--Marshal Zeringue