Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Six of the best comic novels

Monica Heisey is a comedian and writer from Toronto. She has been published in The New Yorker, The New York Times, Vogue, Elle, The Guardian, Glamour, New York magazine, VICE, and more. She won four Canadian Screen Awards for her work on Baroness von Sketch Show, and has written on shows like Schitt’s Creek, and Workin’ Moms, among others.

Her debut novel, Really Good, Actually, was published around the world in January 2023, and is currently in development for television.

At the Waterstones blog Heisey tagged six favorite comic novels, including:
The Mezzanine by Nicholson Baker

I am a big fan of Nicholson Baker, and his debut is my favourite of his oeuvre. His work is strange and propulsive and while I don’t know that I’d recommend his other works (Vox or The Fermata in particular) to everyone, The Mezzanine is a crowd pleaser and total pleasure to read. Plot girlies might want to skip it — the novel is about a man on his lunch break taking an escalator — but for the rest of us, this celebration of everyday minutiae is conversational and engrossing and at times joyfully silly.
Read about another entry on the list.

The Mezzanine is among James Clammer's top ten novels told in a single day, David Moloney's seven books about confinement and the need to escape, Aaron Robertson's seven books in which very little happens, and Alex Clark's eight best books set over twenty-hours.

--Marshal Zeringue