Sunday, October 15, 2023

Q&A with Kellie M. Parker

From my Q&A with Kellie M. Parker, author of Thin Air:
How much work does your title do to take readers into the story?

I admit that coming up with book titles is normally a challenge for me, but the title for Thin Air came to me pretty early on in the drafting process. This title stuck out to me for a few reasons. It’s short, which usually works well for thrillers. It implies a sense of danger or mystery since it’s hard to breathe when there’s not enough oxygen. Last of all, it relates to the book’s setting--almost the entire story takes place on an airplane at 42,000 feet. And as readers will find out, the characters find...[read on]
Visit Kellie M. Parker's website.

Q&A with Kellie M. Parker.

--Marshal Zeringue