Monday, April 13, 2020

Twenty-five writers' comfort reads

The Guardian collected twenty-five novelists' comfort reads.

The contribution from Evie Wyld, author of All the Birds, Singing and After the Fire, a Still Small Voice:
It feels like a good time to revisit some Chuck Palahniuk. I read Survivor when I was 19 and it is one of those immersive exciting “fun” books that I don’t read enough of any more. When I say fun, it’s about a death cult, so it’s not light fun. But he’s so playful as a writer, the pages are numbered backwards and I remember being amazed they’d let you do something like that. Tender, the hero of the book, is working as a housekeeper and has all sorts of tips about how to get blood and semen out of upholstery. I feel like Palahniuk showed me what was possible in fiction, how to have fun with it, and this feels like the summit of play, full of blood and other bodily fluids, explosions and disgusting yet compelling characters.
Read about another entry on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue