The entry begins:
It’s scandalous to imagine your debut as a film—but the truth is that that is how Let Me Explain You has always played out in my head. When I’m writing, I feel my eye as the gliding lens of a camera, and all I have to do—all I can do—is record the intimate gestures and conversations of my characters. I’m just as surprised as you are when Marina rebukes Litza for acting like an animal: the slap hangs in the air, and Litza stomps off-screen.Visit Annie Liontas's website.
If Let Me Explain You were a movie, here’s whom I’d cast:
Haluk Bilginer as Stavros Stavros Mavrakis
When I encountered Haluk Bilginer as Baba Akbar in Rosewater, I got this funny feeling that I had seen him before. In fact, he may be the closest shape to the domineering patriarch that rules my novel. My only requirement? He...[read on]
The Page 69 Test: Let Me Explain You.
My Book, The Movie: Let Me Explain You.
--Marshal Zeringue