[My Book, The Movie: Mary and Lou and Rhoda and Ted; The Page 99 Test: Mary and Lou and Rhoda and Ted; The Page 99 Test: Seinfeldia; The Page 99 Test: Sex and the City and Us; The Page 99 Test: Pop Star Goddesses; The Page 99 Test: When Women Invented Television; The Page 99 Test: So Fetch]
At Lit Hub Armstrong tagged ten of "the best books about 'mean girls,' from classics to modern tales, fiction and non." One title on the list:
Anna Bogutskaya, Unlikeable Female CharactersRead about another entry on the list.
Regina George [the character played by Rachel McAdams in the original 2004 Mean Girls film] herself is cited as her own genre of “unlikeable” female character in this nonfiction exploration of, as the subtitle says, “the women pop culture wants you to hate.” Bogutskaya traces the evolution of major characters from good girls to true anti-heroines, and ultimately celebrates the liberating effects of such characters, which give women permission to be their bitchiest, messiest selves.
--Marshal Zeringue