Friday, February 09, 2024

Five of the best books about gossip

Ella Creamer is a freelance politics and culture journalist.

At the Guardian she tagged five books that show that "gossipy networks pervade communities of all sizes, from small towns to the British political system." One title on the list:
Cursed Bread by Sophie Mackintosh

When an ambassador and his glamorous wife Violet arrive in a small French town under vague reasoning, rumours fizzle at the lavoir, where a circle of women meet weekly: Violet bathes in milk and rose petals, she came from an asylum, she was a sex worker. Gossip also flies over the bakery counter, where the narrator, Elodie, works and becomes a sort of confessor for the neighbourhood, hearing of affairs and plans for revenge. “I think that all those small and meaningless secrets gave me pleasure because they distracted me from the larger terror of it all,” she later reflects.
Read about another entry on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue