Saturday, January 13, 2024

Six titles with friends as family as a central theme

Lucy Connelly loves traveling the world, but her favorite place is at home with her dogs and family. That said, she's always up for adventure and is constantly on the lookout for killer inspiration--as in who will be the next killer in her books? She has a master's degree in humanities and enjoys learning all the things. And she's been published by many other names.

Connelly's new novel is Death at a Scottish Wedding.

[The Page 69 Test: Death at a Scottish Wedding]

At CrimeReads she tagged six titles that find their inspiration in the bonds of friendship, including:
The Little Paris Bookshop, by Nina George

The broken-hearted Monsieur Perdu, who owns a literary apothecary, doesn’t realize how lonely he is until he sets sail on the Seine in Nina George’s The Little Paris Bookshop. While he cures what ails his customers by using books as medicine, he cannot quite do that for himself. Friendships are imposed upon him as he continues his adventure to the South of France. As he helps to heal his friends’ hearts on the barge ride, he discovers something strange happening to his emotional growth. Through his friends’ courage, he finds the power to risk everything for love again.
Read about another entry on the list.

The Little Paris Bookshop is among Mimi Granger's six top bookstore romances and Martha Greengrass's top fifteen books to read on a French holiday.

My Book, The Movie: The Little Paris Bookshop.

The Page 69 Test: The Little Paris Bookshop.

--Marshal Zeringue