Her new novel is The Kingdom of Sweets: A Novel of the Nutcracker.
At Lit Hub Johansen tagged "ten books [that] never fail to remind me that the world could use a little more love and kindness right now." One title on the list:
Read about another entry on the list.The Deep, by Nick Cutter
Did I mention claustrophobia? The Deep takes place in a tiny laboratory station located at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. There is no room for conflict or paranoia in such an environment, but of course all of the characters have weaknesses that can be exploited by…something. Plot is almost incidental; setting controls this story, and what a setting Cutter creates. For sheer, suffocating atmosphere, I’m not sure I’ve read anything to compare.
The Page 69 Test: The Deep.
--Marshal Zeringue