Thursday, July 06, 2023

Reed Farrel Coleman's "Sleepless City," the movie

Featured at My Book, The Movie: Sleepless City: A Nick Ryan Novel by Reed Farrel Coleman.

The entry begins:
Sleepless City is my thirty-second published novel and I can say in all honesty that the only ones I ever wrote with a preconception of who might play the role in the movie(s) were my Gulliver Dowd books. In writing him, Gulliver, a PI who is a distinctly handsome little person, I could not help but think of Peter Dinklage. But I never thought of who I might cast as Moe Prager, Gus Murphy, Dylan Klein or any of the protagonists of my stand-alones. The same was true of Nick Ryan, the protagonist of Sleepless City.

However, during the pandemic, suffering from a severe case of reader’s block, I spent a lot of time streaming. I stumbled upon a series called The Last Kingdom, essentially the story of the how the Vikings/Danes played a role in the evolution of England. The lead actor, playing the role of Utred of Bebbanburg, was a German named Alexander Dreymon. I was totally captivated by his presence, his rugged good looks, his abilities at doing his own stunts. And though I had already written both Sleepless City and its sequel Blind to Midnight, I was hooked and thought if I ever had a say in it, Dreymon would be my man. In his way, Utred is a kind of...[read on]
Visit Reed Farrel Coleman's website.

The Page 69 Test: The Hollow Girl.

The Page 69 Test: Where It Hurts.

The Page 69 Test: What You Break.

Writers Read: Reed Farrel Coleman (March 2017).

My Book, The Movie: Sleepless City.

--Marshal Zeringue