Her new novel is All the Things We Don’t Talk About.
At Lit Hub Feltman shared a reading list of books featuring unconventional families. One title on the list:
Mira Lee, Everything Here is BeautifulRead about another entry on the list.
This novel centers around two sisters: Miranda, who is pragmatic and grounded; and Lucia, who is vivacious and charming. Lucia’s struggles with mental illness upend the careful balance of their lives, and much of the novel follows Miranda’s attempts to care for her sister. Nuanced, devastating, and full of love, the novel follows the sisters as they go through many ups and downs. Lucia’s trajectory takes her around the world, and her relationships with both the gruff but playful Yonah and the naive, in-over-his-head Manuel, lead to dynamic and heartbreaking moments for the entire family. I listened to this on audiobook (highly recommend), and there were times when I gasped aloud, much to the discomfort of my fellow New Jersey transit passengers.
My Book, The Movie: Everything Here Is Beautiful.
--Marshal Zeringue